
back on track

I'm returning to the plan from 2003. I've been losing about three pounds a month since March.

I also finally got some pharmacy issues sorted out, and have glucose meter test strips again. Early results are good:
  • Most results are in the normal range, less than 100 mg/dL glucose.
  • I am still subject to some version of the "dawn phenomenon", with morning fasting readings around 120.
  • On the other hand, I may have responded "non-diabetically" to a big dish of ice cream right as I started testing, with a 2-hour postprandial reading of 128. (But see below. And no, big dishes of ice cream are not part of the plan.)
Separating meals by a minimum of four hours is critically important for these results.

In the next series of tests, I need to get a better idea of where my postrprandial peak falls. I know it's longer than two hours, probably closer to three. With that done, I'll post more detailed results.

I have some new ideas about the elevated waking readings - sleep apnea has been ruled out - and hope to be able to score some more strips to test those soon.

p.s. I've updated the dataset download page with PDFs of some input and outcome overviews.

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