
what they don't say (enough)

Are there "gaps" in what you hear and read about diabetes? An online survey for people affected by the disease(s) is gathering "missing" information to incorporate into educational videos.*

Distortions and omissions in the diabetes discourse are a recurring theme here - usually how:
My top-of-mind short list for the biggest diabetes information gaps includes: 
In short, diabetes usually cannot be resolved by, as one pharmaceutical company shamelessly touts, "simple changes."

Of course, those of us with type 2 diabetes have it "easy." Those with type 1 can match all of the above point for point (with some variation) besides being burdened with:
  • fewer treatment options 
  • a more painstaking, invasive, and wearying—and typically decades longer—self-care routine
  • immediate and potentially mortal risks that can come from monitoring and treatment errors
Cheery thoughts for a sunny winter's day! Well, they asked.

Good heath and good luck,

*The survey is sponsored by wegohealth, a platform for online "health activists"; they will donate to diabetes organizations based on survey participation to promote the survey. I don't know much about the sponsors, but they are asking the right questions.

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